Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Take back the wonder

Always insightful, Kevin Edgecomb has a thoughtful post on the dangers that attend knowing too much:

I curse my studies. Sometimes, anyway. What good is it to be following a Bible reading plan for the faithful when half of what is going on during my reading is (Lord, have mercy!) a critique of the translation, a mental retroversion to the Hebrew and/or Greek involved, mental notes on historical illumination and literary parallels, and all manner of distractions. The wonder is often gone. I hate that.

<idle musing>
Would that I couldn't identify! There are times when knowing too much blocks the wonder of God communicating with me. It is times like that that "I have to force myself to step back and turn off that running commentary, that mental footnoting, imposing silence. The silence is necessary" as Kevin says.

I echo Kevin: "It’s time to take back the wonder. Give the glory to God!"
</idle musing>

1 comment:

Kevin P. Edgecomb said...

Thanks so much, James! An "ever insightful" back atcha!