Friday, July 30, 2010


Yes, I know, I'm a month late. But, to me, the first tomato is the sign of real summer. All week long we have been picking a tomato, as in one, each day. On Monday it was a Roma; can you imagine us splitting it 3 ways? But, we did, Joshua, Debbie, and I each received about one bite from it :) Each day since then we have had a tomato. Last night, we picked three!

I received some flak when I commented on my first tomato sandwich two years ago. But, this year, I can assure you, the sandwich was from home made wheat bread, home grown Romaine lettuce (the last of it), home grown tomatoes, home grown bunching onions, home made pickle relish, and home made sharp cheddar cheese. But, no mayonnaise.

That's right, I finally opened the last 1/2 pound of cheddar that I made back in March. It is now almost 5 months old. It isn't as sharp as I thought it would be, but it is still good. I didn't have any home made mayonnaise, and having just returned from a 36-plus mile bike ride, didn't want to wait to make it, so I just went without. Ah, the trial of it all :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great! It's funny how things are different here. The first tomato mean fall is either here or around the corner. :) -Renee