Friday, July 10, 2015

The purpose of scripture

[W]e must never forget that the purpose of the words is to draw us to the Word and thus into the embrace of the triune God. As people who grow to cherish and delight in the sacred writings, we must never forget their fundamental purpose: that we might know the true God and respond to him in repentance and faith, being drawn into communion with him. Strangely—but not surprisingly to any of us who end up professionally handling the Scriptures on a daily basis—there is always the temptation to make the Scriptures an end in and of themselves.—A Little Book for New Theologians, page 117

<idle musing>
I would love to have this inscribed on every Bible. And have every pastor remind their flock of this every time they preach. It can't be said enough; the Bible is not the source of life, Jesus is! But, as humans, we love to have something we can hang onto, that we can point to. Basically, an idol.
</idle musing>

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